Now that you know how to write an essay and 4 major types of essays with examples, let’s move on to the next step: how do you pick an essay topic? Here are a few steps to help you get started.
Now, the type of essay you’ll be writing will be a blend of what your professor has requested you to accomplish the topic’s nature. However, with just a few steps, you may open up a universe of potential topics!
1. Carefully Read Your Assignment’s Instructions:
If you’ve been assigned an essay, the directions are likely to provide some rules that will assist you to come up with (at least) a broad topic.
Put everything you’ve learned in class into context with the question, and start thinking about how you may connect the two. Make connections between both the prompt and the readings, and look for topics within the common characteristics.
2. Do Some Preliminary Research on the Topic you Wish to Write About:
If you’re not familiar with the general area of topics assigned to you, conduct some preliminary study. Check it against your textbook or assigned readings to ensure that the topic you’ve chosen is appropriate for your class.
Use this method to determine whether you’re interested in the issue and, more crucially, whether you’re capable of writing a few thousand words on it.
3. Choose a Topic that is Neither Too Wide nor too Narrow for your Essay:
Make a list of key ideas that you may expand on throughout the essay. Try to create a rough outline using this basic information to see if you have any significant points. The objective at this point is to have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish with the essay.
If you’re grabbing at too many straws, your topic is probably too wide, and you need to limit it down to something more particular. If, on the other hand, you feel you don’t have enough to say, your topic is probably too narrow, and you’ll need to extend the scope of the essay.
4. Be Sure that you have the Necessary Resources to Complete the Essay you Desire:
Choose a topic for which you are confident you have the necessary resources to write. This is especially true for essays that call for you to use original sources like published papers and archive information. If you wish to undertake a film analysis of a lesser-known silent picture, for example, make sure you have access to a copy of the film.
5. Consult your Classmates or Lecturers:
If you’re still unsure about the topic you’ve chosen, or if you have too many to choose from, talk to a classmate or perhaps your professor for a second perspective. They will not only bring a new viewpoint to the table, but they will also share their thoughts on the topic’s importance in the class.
Key Points to Consider while Choosing an Essay Topic
- You must have an idea about topic you’re willing to choose. So, choose your topic carefully and make sure you know much about it. A fascinating topic might be tough to write and you may not write a single word.
- A new approach to an old and repetitive topic will make your essay interesting. For example, if you wrote an anti-abortion persuasive essay, try writing a pro-abortion persuasive essay.
- It’s a good idea to ask your teacher for a suggestion or piece of advise on what topic to write about.
- Choosing unusual topics for the sake of uniqueness is not a smart idea. As a result, the more unusual the topic, the more difficult it will be to locate references.
Do’s and Don’ts
1. Determine the Type of Essay:
Before you start looking for a topic, decide what type of essay you want to write.
2. Do a Thorough Research:
Make sure you have access to all of the relevant materials. Decide on a topic, gather information, and then begin writing. Choose a different topic if there are few or no sources.
3. Brainstorm:
Ideas for your paper’s topic should be brainstormed. If you’re having trouble coming up with a topic, this is a good way to go.
1. Be Nervous to Change:
Be afraid to alter the subject just because it’s a little more difficult to write about.
2. Be Lazy:
Be a slacker and do not focus on a certain issue. Even if the issue appears to be rather small, see whether it can be restricted even further.
3. Select “Out of the Box” Topics:
Choose unique and offbeat topics to make yourself appear knowledgeable.
Common Mistakes you Must Avoid
- Selecting a dull topic because it is simple to write about. When you’re bored with a topic, you’ll write a dull essay.
- Not focusing on a certain topic and instead of attempting to stretch the essay. Unnecessarily extending an essay and not narrowing down a topic can be boring.
- Choosing an old topic yet writing a paper from the same point of view as before.
An essay is a piece of writing that is intended to communicate the writer’s opinions on a certain topic. Often, no matter how strong your writing skills are, your essay will fall short of your expectations. The topic you’ve picked can be one of the causes.
The importance of topics in any essay cannot be overstated. Some individuals research a subject before deciding whether or not to read it. As a result, prior to writing, it is advisable to identify suitable essay subjects.
When you’re required to write an essay, think about the ideal subject to write about. It’s a good idea to ask around, know how to write an essay, do some research, and consider your options thoroughly before choosing a topic. You must know the 4 major types of essays with examples before choosing a topic.
Those who are in a hurry to produce an essay, however, might obtain one from an essay writing service. Essay writing services are reliable and affordable. They will provide you with a completely polished essay without any errors.
-Isabell S.