If you’re considering graduate school, you may have realized that a lengthy academic document is what secures your graduation. This may have led you to consider what exactly the key difference between theses and dissertations is. We’re here to help.
Although the terms are often used interchangeably, there are clear differences between a dissertation and a thesis. While the format of both documents may appear identical – with an introduction, literature review, body, conclusion bibliography, and appendix, the similarities end there. The following sections outline a comparison between theses and dissertations for further clarity.
What is a Dissertation?
At the end of a Ph.D. program, a student is required to submit a lengthy academic document that documents an original work of research. This piece of work is called a dissertation.
Simply put, a dissertation is a long academic paper that contains an original or extended analysis of a new or existing subject. You are allowed to choose your topic of research and write on it as a doctoral student within your field of study.
What is a Thesis?
Much similar to a dissertation, a master’s thesis is an academic paper written by students who are completing their master’s degree. A thesis is used by students to demonstrate their expertise, skills, and knowledge of the topic they have been studying over the program.
Difference between Thesis and Dissertation
The Key Difference between a Thesis and a Dissertation:
The key difference between a thesis and a dissertation is noted after the completion of these documents. A thesis refers to a work of research completed at the end of a master’s degree while a dissertation is completed during doctoral research.
The two documents demonstrate several functional differences as well. While a thesis is a collection of studies curated to demonstrate the knowledge of one’s understanding of the material covered in one’s graduate program. A dissertation provides a doctorate student with an opportunity to apply new ideas, hypotheses, or practices to their profession. The purpose of writing a dissertation is to come up with a highly original idea, develop it, and defend it using empirical evidence.
The Structural Difference between a Thesis and a Dissertation:
A master’s thesis is similar to the types of academic papers one writes during undergraduate studies. You analyze a subject, review the literature on it, and comment on your original findings, learnings, and applications in the practical field. A thesis is used to demonstrate one’s capacity to think objectively about a subject and explore it in detail.
A thesis and a dissertation differ in terms of the information they use to put forward original ideas in academic research.
For a thesis, one expands on a relevant topic in the context of a professional field of specialization that they would want to explore.
However, for a dissertation, the analysis carried out by other people supports the researcher to come up with and prove their own idea, theory, or definition. In this case, most of the data in a dissertation are credited to its author.
Finally, the length of a dissertation and a thesis vary significantly.
While a master’s thesis should be at least 100 pages long, a doctoral dissertation can be much longer as it includes contextual data and material for analysis, among other aspects of one’s proposal and subsequent research.
A dissertation is a very difficult piece of writing. It would most likely be twice as long as a thesis, if not thrice as long. A faculty member who will act as your dissertation advisor will offer you guidance and advice on how to proceed with the dissertation.
Similarities between a Thesis and a Dissertation
- Each is an assignment that must be completed in order to graduate.
- Both require an in-depth knowledge of the material.
- Both require an academic tone of writing.
- Neither can be plagiarized in any way.
- Both are used to support a specific point of view.
- Both necessitate intellectual abilities.
- Both pieces of writing would require you to draft, revise, and edit.
- Both the documents have rigid deadlines.
- Before submitting either, it would help you to get someone else to proofread it.
To Conclude
Regardless of the program of study, you will necessarily be required to draft an academic paper – be it a thesis or a dissertation. As iterated previously, the primary distinction between a thesis and a dissertation is the degree of completion it is intended for. While a master’s thesis is written for a master’s degree, a doctoral dissertation is typically completed by a Ph.D. student.
While the high academic rigor and time management skills demanded by the drafting of a thesis or dissertation may intimidate you greatly, original research simply needs a passion and the need to delve further into academia. While researching and writing your own paper is a task carried out passionately, proofreading and editing them at the same time would be too many things on a single plate. Here’s where we come in. Check out our blog on the Top 10 Online Proofreading Services to select the best service for yourself. Now that you know the difference between a thesis and a dissertation, choose wisely in selecting a service that suits your requirements. Proofreading and editing are the two most vital steps to be carried out prior to submission.
-Isabell S.