This April 23rd, it was the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare, the famous playwright. This greatest writer in the world is also known as the Bard of Avon. Every April 23rd, many choose to talk like him and remember his work. This greatest dramatist of all times is also often referred to as English National pet.
Apostrophe Catastrophes
Apostrophes are one of the most battered punctuation marks in the history of English grammar. All you need to do is look at the billboards, marquees, street signs and roadside advertisements, and you will realize that only a very minuscule minority actually knows how to correctly place their apostrophes. Let us have a look at … Read more
What Are the Easiest Languages for English Speakers to Learn?
English is now a world language; however, knowing just one dialect is not enough to compete for a global job. Learning an additional language makes you culturally competent. It not only builds your professional rapport but is also an extremely valuable and marketable skill in the current and highly competitive job world. And anyways, with … Read more
Why Editing And Proofreading Of Personal Documents Important?
One of the most common misconceptions in the writing world is that proofreading is only for professional and academic documents. Many believe that only authors and students pay for professional proofreading services while a normal individual can just use the usual word grammar check and ensure that his personal documents are error free. This is … Read more
Why Proofreading Business Documents Is Important?
Business Communication needs to be free of errors and must be able to put your point across in the best manner. When you reach out to business partners, clients, customers and key stakeholders, everything that they receive from you has to be professional and credible. We ensure your communication is concise and crisp. It is … Read more
Avoid the 4 Top Book Formatting Mistakes :
Which Makes You Look Unprofessional There are 4 most common book formatting mistakes which are often made. Following tips will help you avoid making the mistakes. Use of Tabs for Horizontal Spacing There is trouble in store for you if you press the tab key to move the type to the right for indenting or … Read more
10 Highly Effective Tips To Write A Successful CV
If you wish to be successful in getting a job, you have to ensure that you have a good CV. While employers go through a pile of CVs to ensure they select the right candidate for a job, it takes only a few seconds for them to decide upon which candidates could be considered for … Read more
Writing Dazzlingly Brilliant Essays: Useful Tips for Ambitious Students
Writing essays is not only a challenging task but it also an important exercise in a student’s educational life since it brings forward the best in a student. With regular practice of essay writing, students are often able to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses. But while you are already writing great essays, how do … Read more
9 Internet Abbreviations Decoded
TL; DR – ‘Too long; didn’t read’. First appeared on the Internet in the early 2000s when online discussions took place and some posts were thought as being too long, this abbreviation was first used. IRL – ‘In real Life’. This term came into existence in the 1990s, when ‘online life’ was still in its … Read more
Top 10 Best Practices for Business Blog
A lot of companies these days are making use of blogs in a big way. Not only are a great way for companies to introduce themselves, but they also help organisations in understanding the importance of social media. Many business houses have been writing business blogs successfully and have also been successful in engaging their … Read more
Secret Revealed! How to Write a Blog Post in Just 30 Minutes.
Having a blog on your company website is important for any small business. It attracts new visitors while encouraging previous ones to keep coming back. Fresh content also keeps your site updated, increasing the chances that it will be ranked higher in search engine listings. But as a small business owner, you may not have … Read more
Tips for ESL Students to Review and Improve Written Work
As ESL students you have to improve your reading and writing skills for which there is very little time and in addition, you also are required to have speaking practice. There is a way in which you could improve your reading as well as writing skills at the same time. The answer is summary writing. … Read more