One of the most common misconceptions in the writing world is that proofreading is only for professional and academic documents.
Many believe that only authors and students pay for professional proofreading services while a normal individual can just use the usual word grammar check and ensure that his personal documents are error free.
This is not true! A word document can only identify spelling and major grammatical errors. It is a software and hence is not capable of going through the document word by and word and identify incorrect punctuations, unintentional spelling errors that form another word (You – your, form – from, bag – bug, car – care, etc.) and fix gaps in the sentence structure.
Your personal documents like resumes, CVs, personal statements, cover letters, professional emails and even dating profiles – are meant to be read by numerous people.
The way you write is representative of your style and attitude. Certain words and punctuations, if used incorrectly can change the entire meaning of the text.
Therefore, it is essential that your personal documents should be completely free of errors before you send them to your target reader.
Only a small number of professional editing companies have realised this need and offer personal proofreading services to their clients.
TrueEditors also recognises this requirement and offers expert proofreading services for resumes, cover letters, CVs, dating profiles, college applications, emails, memos, speeches, blogs, job applications, letters and personal statements.
So, take advantage of our English editing services and ensure that all your personal documents are clear, concise and convey what you want them to!